Bruce Danna - - Singer / Songwriter / Producer |
Home The Man The Music The Mission The Producer The Talk Calendar Contact Us 'The Man' Music to 'Refresh the hearts of the Saints' and to bring the Hope of new life in Christ to all .... Born in New York and raised in South Florida, Bruce enjoyed some success with his rock-band playing clubs and concerts. But his life and musical direction were altered forever, when at 21, he surrendered his heart and soul, music and all, to the Lord Jesus Christ. Forgiven and free, he suddenly found himself with a new heart, and a 'new song'... in fact, many, many new songs..... Fans have described Bruce's unique blend of music as being contemporary, yet timeless,.. youthful, yet cross-generational,.. refreshing, and definitely straight to the heart. They've also expressed hearing hints of influence from James Taylor,.. or Billy Joel,.. or even Jimmy Buffett from time to time,.. while others just say he sounds like,.. well,. like 'Bruce',.. the original. Now, with decades of music ministry behind him, Bruce has long reflected the qualities of a musically and spiritually mature performer, firmly grounded in the word of God. And whether he's leading music in a worship service or performing in concert,.. his open, believable, spontaneous personality and warm, comfortable style actually pave the way for walls to come down, and the Spirit to come in. Bruce says his music is about 'heart',.. God's heart,.. 'our' hearts. It's about reconciliation and renewal,.. forgiveness and faith,.. healing and hope,.. grace and growth,.. a new heart and a new Home,.... It's about 'refreshing the hearts of the saints in Christ' and bringing challenge and hope to the lost. Ultimately,... it's all about Jesus.
And so,.. with a God-powered vision and talent to match,.. with the experience of a veteran and the enthusiasm of a freshman, Bruce Danna will continue to share the 'overflow' of his relationship with Jesus Christ,.. whenever, and wherever the Lord leads. Be there,... and be 'refreshed'. *** TO BOOK BRUCE FOR YOUR CHURCH OR EVENT - CLICK HERE *** Exciting News !! Bruce Danna Music Ministries is now part of A.C.T. Intl (Artists in Christian Testimony Intl, a 501 c3 non-profit) "Mobilizing & Equipping Artistic & Innovative Ministries Worldwide" Your financial support will allow me to continue using my music ministry gifts whenever and wherever the Lord leads, while mentoring the next generation of Christian music artists, drawing from decades of writing, recording and on-stage ministry. -- Bruce ** Your prayer and 'tax-deductible' financial support are greatly appreciated ** *************************************************************************************** TO BOOK BRUCE FOR YOUR CHURCH OR EVENT - CLICK HERE Click here for our E-mail Newsletter. You could win FREE stuff.
***** Read Bruce's 'Extended' Bio/Promo Below ***** v v v v v Singer/Songwriter, BRUCE DANNA brings a 'refreshing' breeze of HOPE to a hurting and 'stressed-out' world, by sharing the overflow of his relationship with Jesus Christ,.. through his 'heartsy' and 'fun' delivery of original songs, testimony, the Word and humor. With a lot to say, and a powerful yet refreshing way to say it, Bruce says it's a calling and a responsibility that he embraces with joy,.. a calling that is not so much about God blessing his dreams and plans, but more about fitting into God's plan for this generation,.. and beyond. Born into a 'church-going' family in New York and raised in South Florida, Bruce's high school and college years brought him relative success playing rock-n'-roll in clubs and concerts. He'd always 'believed' in God, even considered himself a Christian of sorts, until, at age 21, the consequences of increasingly bad choices fueled by an increasingly rebellious heart, caused his world to crumble,.. forcing him to take a closer look. Instinctively knowing that only God could make things right, the only place to look for help was 'up'. Yes, God was calling, seeking, drawing,.. and Bruce answered the call; surrendering his life,.. heart, soul, music and all, to the Lord Jesus Christ. And although God didn't quite make things 'right' the way Bruce 'thought' he would, or should or hoped,.. he did make 'Bruce' right,.. 'right with God' for the first time in his life. 'Forgiven' and 'free', his life and his music were altered forever. Now, there was really something to sing about,..write about, about. A fresh, new life-journey and personal relationship with the God of all Creation had found its creative expression. With solid foundational Bible teaching taking hold and new songs coming fast and furious, Bruce soon found himself singing frequently at services and events at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, numerous other local churches, and for the next six years, as the 'house' song leader and music director at 'The Greenhouse' Bible Ministry in Ft. Lauderdale. .... and that was just the beginning.... Whether solo or with his band,.. fans describe Bruce's music as being 'contemporary' and yet 'timeless',.. 'youthful' and yet 'cross-generational',.. 'refreshing' and definitely 'straight to the heart'. Fans have also expressed hearing hints of influence from James Taylor, Billy Joel, or Jimmy Buffett in some of Bruce's music. Others just say he sounds like,.. well,. like 'Bruce',.. the original. Though his musical influences cross genres and eras, and include contemporary and 'classic' artists too numerous to mention, Bruce's sound and his songs really do remain uniquely his own;.. melodic, moving, and memorable;.. 'touchable' songs that reveal the growth, struggle and strides in his walk with the Lord;.. songs that deal with issues that each one of us face. Now, with decades of music ministry behind him, Bruce has long reflected the qualities of a musically and spiritually mature performer, firmly grounded in the word of God. He is an open, believable, spontaneous, good-natured performer with a warm, comfortable style; truly 'happy' in what he does,. and does so well; sharing not just his songs, but himself,.. his life in Christ. Bruce's desire is to expose his life in Christ, in a way that will lead listeners into the 'presence' of the living God,.. and the blessings that result. But it's really not about Bruce,.. it's about 'heart',.. God's heart,.. our hearts. Its about reconciliation and renewal,.. forgiveness and faith,.. healing and hope,.. grace and growth,.. a new heart and a new Home. Its about 'refreshing the hearts of the saints in Christ' and bringing challenge and hope to the lost. Ultimately, its all about Jesus. Bruce's music ministry has also allowed him the privilege of ministering as staff or interim music-leader at seven local churches and ministries over the years, and as 'guest' music-leader at numerous local and regional churches of various denominations, including his home church. Concerts, retreats, conferences,.. men's, women's, couples or singles events, festivals, 'cafes', holiday events, house-concerts, TV, Radio, etc. etc,... Bruce has about done it all,.. and loves it all. Yet, in all his years of ministry, Bruce says he's still always humbled and amazed to see the Spirit of God move in peoples hearts at his concerts, and even in response to his recordings. Indeed, to experience a Bruce Danna concert is to come away moved,.. inspired,... 'refreshed'. With a God-powered vision and talent to match,.. with the experience of a veteran and the enthusiasm of a freshman, Bruce Danna will continue to share the 'overflow' of his relationship with Jesus Christ,.. whenever, and wherever the Lord leads. Be there,... and be 'refreshed'. Your prayer and 'tax-deductible' financial support are greatly appreciated -- Bruce ************************************************************************************** TO BOOK BRUCE FOR YOUR CHURCH OR EVENT - CLICK HERE Click Here for our E-mail Newsletter. You could win FREE stuff.
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